In this episode of the podcast, TechCentral speaks to Mimecast director of sales engineering for the Middle East & Africa Brian Pinnock about what companies should know – and be doing – about the Protection of Personal Information (Popi) Act and Europe’s GDPR rules.
How seriously should companies be taking this legislation, especially since many are struggling to cope with the tough economic environment caused by the lockdowns of 2020? Is it something companies can safely ignore for now? And does it only affect big companies?
Pinnock explains what the consequences are of ignoring the provisions of the Popi Act and why company leaders should be paying proper attention to the obligations it places on them – and be doing so before the legislation comes into full force in mid-2021.
Companies have many data repositories on-premises, in the cloud, in e-mail, in databases, in ERP systems. How can they ensure everything is as secure as possible against a breach or attack of some sort? What about cloud storage, and can companies simply leave compliance to their cloud provider? Pinnock unpacks all of this in the podcast and explains what must happen next.
Don’t miss this important discussion!
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