Google has pulled off a coup by hiring an Apple senior director of product integrity for a secret project. The recruiting feat is historic since Google has never hired such a senior person away from Apple. The hiring is also interesting because the US department of justice is investigating Google and Apple

Microsoft has removed the “Start” menu button from its upcoming Windows 8 operating system, according to a consumer preview released earlier this week. The Start button. which made its debut in the Windows 95 version of the operating system, sits on the far left side

Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s founder and chief executive, has talked for years about the notion of a “social graph” which connects people to their friends and all of the things they are interested in. By encouraging hundreds of millions of people to share their deeds and reveal their

“You’re being irrational.” No one likes to hear those words. They are the verbal equivalent of a pat on the head. But, like it or not, we are fundamentally irrational beings. And the area in which we should be the most clear-headed, our personal finances, is usually

SA entrepreneurs have unrealistic expectations and a romanticised idea of what angel investment or venture capitalism means. They often blame circumstances beyond their control for their inability to secure funding, rather than focusing on their idea and ensuring it’s sufficiently

Microsoft’s upcoming software for Windows Phone, dubbed “Apollo”, will offer integration with Skype and Windows 8, according to internal video uncovered by Pocketnow. The Windows Phone OS will have a make-or-break year in 2012, and it’s already off to a good start by being featured in Nokia’s anticipated Lumia

Director Alexander Payne was once the movies’ most acerbic observer of middle-aged masculinity. He has gone soft with his Oscar-baiting drama The Descendants, a slick but manipulative look at the trials a family endures after the mother is injured in a boating accident that puts her

Online “phishing” fraudsters, who try to con consumers out of their personal banking details to steal their money, target clients of Absa the most, data from a local e-mail company shows. Yossi Hasson, MD of open-source e-mail solutions and network management company Synaq, runs a phishing signature database using

Whether accurate or exaggerated, claims of rampant malware apps have haunted the Android Market. Now, Google’s Android team is announcing Bouncer, a new security mechanism that should prevent bad apps from ever making it into the Market. It’s a programmatic solution that’s

One of the biggest risks Facebook listed in Wednesday’s high-profile filing with the US Securities and Exchange Commission was “mobile .” The company hasn’t quite figured out what to do with advertising on phones, so it could struggle to bring in the bank as more users choose phones