Despite its distinctly average display, lack of haptic screen feedback and appalling camera shutter sound, the Mi-Fone Mi-A300 may be the most exciting Android phone to pass through the TechCentral office all year for one very simple reason: it’s amazingly cheap without

It’s almost the end of another busy year in SA’s technology industry. We know what our favourite stories were in 2011, but which articles did you, TechCentral’s readers, pore over the most? These are the pieces, in ascending order from 10 to one, that generated the most reads during the year

Cape Town-based start-up IMB’s tagline is “more than a bank”, and that’s because banking services are only a small part of what it offers. Its main focus is making payments, and particularly mobile payments, easier for consumers and merchants in a way it claims benefits

Telkom says it was fully within its rights to deny value-added network service (Vans) licensees, mainly Internet service providers, additional services after it found that they were essentially providing the same services Telkom offered via facilities the providers

Shareholders in Phuthuma Nathi, the black empowerment vehicle that owns 20% of MultiChoice SA, have the right to begin trading the shares next Thursday, 8 December, when a five-year lock-in period expires. MultiChoice SA group CEO Imtiaz Patel says

The iPhone 4S, the latest version of Apple’s iconic smartphone, will go on sale in SA on 16 December, cellular network operator Vodacom said in a tweet on Thursday. The launch of the device in SA had been expected late last month, but was delayed by a three weeks. Vodacom said in its

Jon Stewart fans rejoice! Comedy Central, which broadcasts the popular Daily Show, is coming to SA and other markets in sub-Saharan Africa. It will be available on MultiChoice’s DStv Premium platform from 6 December and is being provided by MTV Networks Africa. The channel

Online retailer’s Kindle Fire isn’t really a Kindle at all. It’s a 7-inch tablet designed to be a media consumption tool and little else. Arguably, this is what most people use any tablet for and it’s why, in the US at least, the fact that it also costs less than most

The telecommunications regulator is under fire from industry players after it published a framework for local-loop unbundling (LLU) on Wednesday, with one senior regulatory executive accusing it of having “failed to meet its mandate”, “kicking everything into touch” and being

The local telecommunications industry was expecting the release of a local-loop unbundling (LLU) framework document by the Independent Communications Authority of SA (Icasa) on Wednesday. However, what Icasa did was completely side step the issue. Everyone was hoping