Browsing: Gordon Mackay

A court case questioning the legality of the department of energy’s 9,6GW nuclear procurement programme has caused the department to delay gazetting the request for proposals, the Democratic Alliance said. However, the energy department said it

Legal documents indicate that South Africa did sign a nuclear deal with Russia, environmentalists who have taken the government to court alleged on Wednesday. In its legal proceedings against the department of energy, Earthlife Africa and the Southern African

Energy minister Tina Joemat-Pettersson found herself on the wrong side of the political spectrum on Tuesday after she recommended the nuclear programme fall under the independent power producer (IPP) office. The IPP office is a partnership

Eskom should not be granted another tariff increase at the expense of consumers who can barely meet their monthly expenses already, Democratic Alliance leader Mmusi Maimane said on Monday

No minister, no deputy minister, no director-general, late paperwork and a broken air conditioning system marked the start on Tuesday of an energy department briefing on South Africa’s electricity crisis. Opposition MPs serving on parliament’s energy portfolio committee angrily

The resignation of the National Energy Regulator of South Africa CEO Phindile Baleni will lead to hikes in the electricity price, the Democratic Alliance said on Tuesday. “Sadly, Ms Baleni’s resignation now heightens the